MHJJ strategic innovations
School-Based Diversion: Strategic Innovations from the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network
- Apr 1, 2011, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
- This report provides a detailed update and summary on the work of the MH/JJ Action Network's School-Based Diversion Strategic Innovation Group. The four participating states (Connecticut, Illinois,…
Workforce Development: Strategic Innovations from the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network
- Apr 1, 2011, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
- This report provides a detailed update and summary on the work of the MH/JJ Action Network's Workforce Development Strategic Innovation Group. Recognizing the need for comprehensive mental health…
Law Enforcement-Based Diversion: Strategic Innovations from the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network
- Apr 1, 2011, National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
- This report provides a detailed update and summary on the work of the MH/JJ Action Network's Law Enforcement-based Diversion Strategic Innovation Group. While standard Crisis Intervention Team…
Intake Based Diversion: Strategic Innovations from the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network
- Apr 1, 2011, The National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
- This report provides a detailed update and summary on the work of the MH/JJ Action Network's intake-based diversion strategic innovation group. The intention of the Action Network's Front-End…