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collateral consequences

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Publication cover Innovation Brief: Avoiding and Mitigating the Collateral Consequences of a Juvenile Adjudication
Dec 12, 2013, National Juvenile Defender Center
The majority of youth who come into contact with the juvenile court system have one court contact and never return. And even among those youth who do return to juvenile court, most do not become…
Publication cover Checklist - Consequences of Juvenile Adjudications in Massachusetts
Nov 14, 2013, Committee for Public Services-Youth Advocacy Division
This checklist is for juvenile defenders to use when advising their clients. Listed are some of the common consequences juveniles face when adjudicated.
Publication cover The Florida Juvenile Collateral Consequences Checklist
May 21, 2013, Juvenile Justice Center
The purpose of the Florida Juvenile Collateral Consequences Checklist is to provide attorneys, judges, and other juvenile justice professionals with the most current information available on the…
Publication cover Summary of Pennsylvania Juvenile Collateral Consequences Checklist
Nov 9, 2011, Rhonda McKitten
A synopsis of the essential collateral consequences of a juvenile adjudication in a large, easy to read poster format.
Publication cover Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings in California
May 1, 2011, Sue Burrell and Rourke F. Stacy
A handbook for juvenile law professionals on the consequences of juvenile system involvement and adjudication.
Supported by

Models for Change was a juvenile justice systems reform initiative supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, website operated by Justice Policy Institute.
