Racial and Ethnic Fairness in Juvenile Justice: Availability of State Data
Published Aug 7, 2015, Lauren Vessels, Research Assistant, NCJJ
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NCJJ has released a new StateScan publication that summarizes the results from a review of publicly available data that describe racial and ethnic fairness across the country. This StateScan publication is the 7th in a series that distills important knowledge from NCJJ’s new Juvenile Justice Geography, Policy, Practice & Statistics website (www.JJGPS.org).
The author organizes results from a national search for publicly available state-level sources for racial and ethnic fairness data. This publication outlines important details provided in the data, describes the importance of sharing this data publicly, and discusses the underlying obstacles to data collection. This original analysis also describes the federal requirements to collect and report this data; however, few states share this information with the public.